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Dariusz Leszczynski on “Robert C. Kane – Cellular Telephone Russian Roulette”

Dariusz Leszczynski on “Robert C. Kane – Cellular Telephone Russian Roulette”

“Michael, it is an old book that would need to be updated using present day science.”

He didn’t mentioned what needs an update? After he wouldn’t allow a link to the book, after I put the link to the book two times in a reply to his post “Childhood Cancer 2012 conference in London, UK” on his blog:


Robert C. Kane - Cellular Telephone Russian Roulette - CoverAnd the following comments, after his last comment he even removed the possibility to answer back to his blog!

Now what does this mean?

  • He and the mobile phone industry are pretty much afraid about the book “Robert C. Kane – Cellular Telephone Russian Roulette”, it had been written by a top Motorola developer, who died from brain cancer a few years ago, not until he had finished this book: Robert C. Kane – Cellular Telephone Russian Roulette (Download the book from the URL)
  • Of course his argument is nonsense, if a math book that is decades old says 1+1=2, is it wrong because it is old? Of course not. the same is true for the above book.
  • The problem, all those studies (hundreds) cited in the book had been done long before the mobile phone industry took off, thus the dangers were very well known long before the technology was ready to give it even to children!

A quote from the book (page 13):

What we learn is that a repeated insult or irritation to a particular biological area, such as a small region of the brain, can lead to irreparable damage. That is, given the existence of energy absorption « hot spots, » the existence of which have been verified by numerous researchers, then each damaging exposure to radio frequency radiation provides a new opportunity that the damage will become permanent.

You’ll find hundreds of studies in the book you might not have heard about?

(page 191)

The telecommunications industry would never have grown to the global force, with virtually unlimited power, that we know it to have today if it accepted the scientific research. So the industry did as has been done throughout history. The

industry developed a « belief » system. The wonderful thing about a « belief » system is that it doesn’t require any scientific findings. And any contrary findings that do develop are easily dismissed—as being unbelievable.

The book has been published 2001, but vanished quickly from the bookstores, as you can see from Dariusz Leszczynski’s writting it makes those in charge still pretty nervous.

Now grab your copy, make your own mind and circulate it, the more people who read it the better.


Research: Future Smartphones looking through walls

Team Finds New Possibilities in Untapped Terahertz Range With Implications For a Host of Devices

Dr. Kenneth O, director of the Texas Analog Center of Excellence and Dae Yeon Kim

Dr. Kenneth O, director of the Texas Analog Center of Excellence and Dae Yeon Kim

Comic book hero superpowers may be one step closer to reality after the latest technological feats made by researchers at UT Dallas. They have designed an imager chip that could turn mobile phones into devices that can see through walls, wood, plastics, paper and other objects.

“We’ve created approaches that open a previously untapped portion of the electromagnetic spectrum for consumer use and life-saving medical applications,” said Dr. Kenneth O, professor of electrical engineering at UT Dallas and director of the Texas Analog Center of Excellence(TxACE).  “The terahertz range is full of unlimited potential that could benefit us all.”

Using the new approach, images can be created with signals operating in the terahertz (THz) range without having to use several lenses inside a device. This could reduce overall size and cost.

The second advance that makes the findings applicable for consumer devices is the technology used to create the microchip. Chips manufactured using CMOS (Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor) technology form the basis of many consumer electronic devices used in daily life such as personal computers, smart phones, high definition TV and game consoles.


Just another possible health hazard, there seems no doubt taking our failure by design money system into account, this invention will get sooner or later into the market without any prior health/environment check, as it is the rule. Victims will have a very hard time to prove their problems against a mighty industry, with nearly unlimited cash.

Source, other languages:

The University of Dallas Texas – New Research Could Mean Cellphones That Can See Through Walls

Der Standard – Forscher entwickeln Smartphones, die durch Wände sehen – Röntgenblick

Reported functional impairments of electrohypersensitive Japanese: A questionnaire survey

Yasuko Kato a,∗, Olle Johansson b

Yasuko Kato

a VOC-EMF Measures Research Association, Sapporo, Japan
b The Experimental Dermatology Unit, Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden

Prof. Olle Johansson

Prof. Olle Johansson

An increasing number of people worldwide complain that they have become electromagnetic hypersensitive (EHS). We conducted a questionnaire survey of EHS persons in Japan. The aim was to identify electromagnetic fields (EMF) and plausible EMF sources that caused their symptoms.
Postal questionnaires were distributed via a self-help group, and 75 participants (95% women) responded. Reported major complaints were “fatigue/tiredness” (85%), “headache”, “concentration, memory, and thinking” difficulty (81%, respectively). Seventy-two per cent used some form of complementary/alternative therapy.
The most plausible trigger of EHS onset was a mobile phone base station or personal handy-phone system (37%). Sixty-five percent experienced health problems to be due to the radiation from other passengers’ mobile phones in trains or buses, and 12% reported that they could not use public transportation at all. Fifty-three percent had a job before the onset, but most had lost their work and/or experienced a decrease in income. Moreover, 85.3% had to take measures to protect themselves from EMF, such as moving to low EMF areas, or buying low EMF electric appliances. EHS persons were suffering not only from their symptoms, but also from economical and social problems.


The study shows clearly that overall EHS persons face more or less the same problems around the world. Of course there are certain differences, beside mild case, who might not even know they became electro hypersensitive, there are pretty heavy cases who have to hide from the radiation in some cave, in order to survive. Although those cases are rare, the majority is affected to a degree that they just can’t live a normal life in this wireless society, as they just can’t take the load of WiFi, DECT and cell phone radiation at an usual work place.

Complete Study, more information:

Kato_&_Johansson_2012-2 (PDF)

CH/TF: première approbation d’un plan communal pour antennes de téléphonie – Bundesgericht segnet Standortmodell für Mobilfunkantennen ab

Lausanne (awp/ats) – Le Tribunal fédéral (TF) a donné son feu vert à un plan destiné à réglementer l’implantation des antennes Mobilfunk Antennende téléphonie mobile dans les différentes zones de la commune d’Urtenen-Schönbühl (BE). Il a débouté les opérateurs Swisscom, Orange et Sunrise.

Ces trois entreprises avaient contesté cette planification, approuvée en 2005 par les citoyens de la localité. Le nouveau règlement prévoit que les antennes doivent être installées en priorité dans les zones non destinées à l’habitat.

Das Bundesgericht hat erstmals eine kommunale Standortplanung für Mobilfunkantennen abgesegnet. Betroffen ist die Berner Gemeinde Urtenen-Schönbühl, deren Kaskaden-Modell für eine möglichst geringe Belastung von Wohnzonen auch andernorts Schule machen könnte.
Mit ihrem Entscheid haben die Richter in Lausanne die von den Mobilfunkbetreibern Swisscom, Orange und Sunrise erhobenen Beschwerden im Wesentlichen abgewiesen. Sie hatten sich gegen die von den Stimmbürgern in Urtenen-Schönbühl 2005 angenommene Standortplanung für Mobilfunkantennen zur Wehr gesetzt.
Kommentar: Ein kleiner Schritt in die richtige Richtung, mit dem Urteil brauchen sich Gemeinden nicht länger von den Betreibern vorschreiben lassen wo Sie ihre Antennen hinstellen, sondern können selber eine sinnvolle Planung betreiben, wie ein Antennenstandort für alle Betreiber mit einem sehr hohen Mast (nicht im Wohngebiet), sieht hässlich aus und ist teuer, sorgt aber für geringe Strahlungsbelastung.

Source/Quellen, more information:

Le Temps – CH/TF: Première approbation d’un plan communal pour antennes de téléphonie.

Bilan – CH/TF: Première approbation d’un plan communal pour antennes de téléphonie.

Langenthaler Tagblatt – Bundesgericht segnet Standortmodell für Mobilfunkantennen ab

Blick.ch – Bundesgericht segnet Standortmodell für Mobilfunkantennen ab

Bundesgericht Laussane – Bundesgericht Laussane, Link zum Urteil

Österreichischen Ärztekammer: Leitlinien EMF-bezogene Beschwerden und Krankheiten (EMF-Syndrom)

Konsensus-Papier der ÖÄK AG-EMFÖÄK Logo

Verabschiedet bei der Sitzung der Referenten für Umweltmedizin der Landesärztekammern und der Österreichischen Ärztekammer am 3. März 2012 in Wien.


Unspezifische – oft stressassoziierte – Beschwerden nehmen stark zu. Immer öfter
stellen sie die Kollegenschaft vor komplexe differentialdiagnostische
Herausforderungen. Neben chronischem Stress im Sozial- und Arbeitsumfeld, ist die
Zunahme der Elektrosmogbelastung in Haushalt, Arbeit und Freizeit eine bisher
wenig beachtete Ursache. Dies korreliert mit dem Bild von chronischer Überlastung
bis zum Burnout.

Wie kann man als Arzt auf diese Entwicklung reagieren?

Die Ärztekammer hat eine Leitlinie für Differentialdiagnostik und Therapieansätze
bei unspezifischen stressbezogenen Beschwerden durch Elektrosmog entwickelt.


Eine ausgezeichnete Idee hier Ärzten etwas an die Hand zu geben, um solche immer häufiger auftretenden Beschwerden, event. besser deuten zu können. In Österreich scheint es bekannt zu sein, das der Mensch ein elektromagnetisches Wesen ist, dass auf Störungen von außen empfindliche reagieren kann.

Damit schreitet Österreich voran, man kann nur hoffen das weitere Länder folgen und Geschädigte endlich Hilfe und Anerkennung bekommen, anstatt wie häufig auf ganze miese Art psychiatrisiert zu werden! Weil es die Medien Mind Control so weit gebracht hat, das Betroffenen meist noch nicht mal von eigenen Angehörigen geglaubt wird!

Quelle:EMF-Leitlinie der ÖÄK (PDF)

Using homeless people as WiFi/LTE (4g) hotspots!

Homeless Hotspot LogoWhat some might have thought as joke has now become reality! Homeless people are being used as WiFi hotspots.

Homeless person working as WiFi Hotspot

A new program at the South by Southwest festival that sets homeless people up as mobile 4G hotspots has sparked a heated debate. Homeless Hotspots sets up nine homeless people with 4G devices that can allow walkers-by to access the internet in exchange for a donation.

So technical it works like this, the person is wearing some LTE (4G) phone or alike, which is connected to some WiFi-Router, which gives access to peoples Laptop/mobiles/etc WiFi capable devices. This is done for a small donation (2 US $/15 minutes).

Now what does this mean for person providing this service, the router is radiating permanently its 10 Hz beacon signal in order to advertise the service to people on the road. The 4G (LTE) device is at least in addition to the router radiating if someone is using the service.

Homeless Hotspots Map

Homeless Hotspots Map

If this service is intended to lower the number of homeless people through radiation remains unknown, though not impossible?

Those people already have a lowered immune system, due to mal nutrition, which is highly likely if someone is living on the street. In addition to unhealthy living style with bad sanitation.

It would be pretty interesting to check those homeless hotspots health now and in 6/12 month in addition to a group not providing this service, what do you think?

Source/More Info:

– Is using homeless people as hotspots helpful or exploitative?

– SXSW: Meet Clarence, The Homeless Hotspot (Video)

– Homeless Hotspots (Homepage)

– Obdachlose als wandelnde Hot Spots (German)

Man who destroyed mobile phone masts with tank is free

One might remember the story, a mobile phone industry (Telstra, Australia) engineer got sick from mobile phone radiation.

Old Tank

Telecoms engineer on his way with an old tank

He went on and destroyed about 6 mobile phone masts using an old military tank until he was captured in July 2007.

Highlighting what he saw as dangerous tower emissions, he was sent to jail for his act. Now after 20 month he came free.

But the former technician hasn’t changed his mind about the health effects of mobile phone towers.

Now he’s preparing another protest, but this one won’t involve a tank. He has setup a business measuring EMFs and trying to make people aware.

There is a well made news video (5 min. inteview) one shouldn’t miss (click)

Police followed the vehicle in a sedately paced chase

Police followed the tank

Source Article, more information:

– Sydney man targets phone mast (2007)

Coke, Pepsi change recipe to avoid cancer warning on the bottles

Coca-Cola Co. and PepsiCo Inc. are changing the way they make the caramel coloring used in their soft drinks, in response to Coke Pepsiaccusations that an ingredient in the coloring is a carcinogen.

The ingredient in question is called 4-methylimidazole. In 2011, authorities in California added 4-MI to a list of known carcinogens – the only state to have declared the chemical as cancer-causing.

In February 2011, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified the 4-MEI compound in Group 2B, possibly carcinogenic to humans.

So what the heck does this have to do with mobile phone radiation?

In May 2011, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified cell phone and other types of radiofrequency (RF) and microwave radiation in Group 2B, possibly carcinogenic to humans.

IARC is the official WHO research institute on cancer.

So this should ring ones bells, some component of Coke/Pepsi is declared as possible carcinogenic to humans and the producer are quickly changing the recipe! Now mobile phone industry can’t change the recipe as easily, as the radiation is what makes their product work.

A quote from a world wide known expert about EMF radiation on the issue:

« How is this related to health effects of modern man-made electromagnetic fields in general?

Prof. Olle Johansson

Prof. Olle Johansson

4-methylimidazole is used in the caramel Pepsi and Coke both use for coloring. It is also a Group 2B carcinogen the same as radio frequencies. The question then becomes why would two companies that are certainly not known for being particularly health conscious voluntarily remove a Group 2B carcinogen from their formulation while governments, parliaments and health authorities world-wide – which promotes their concern for families and presumably healthy families – mandate every home, workplace and place of leisure and consumption must be inundated with a Group 2B carcinogen.

Never thought I would trust Pepsi and Coke to be more concerned about my health and well-being than my own government…« 

Olle Johansson, assoc. prof. The Experimental Dermatology – Uni Department of Neuroscience
Karolinska Institute

Source Article, more information:

– Coke, Pepsi tweak colour to avoid cancer warning

– Questions and Answers about Caramel Coloring and 4-methylimidazole (4-MEI or 4-MI)

– IARC: Cell Phone Radiation Is a Possible Human Carcinogen

– In Germany Coke/Pepsi will not change the recipe at all (German)

WiFi Lightning

Our city is a landscape of (invisible) networks. Three designers from Norway wanted to reveal this immaterial terrain. In their project titled Immaterials, Timo Arnall, Jørn Knutsen and Einar Sneve Martinussen used light and long-exposure photography to capture the conduits of WiFi signals.

They built a WiFi measuring rod that visualises WiFi signal strength as a bar of lights.  The more lights activated on the rod, the stronger the signal is.

Great idea, although the sound one can hear in their video isn’t the sound of demodulated WiFi, a routers beacon signal (10 Hz) sounds like this:

Please use the Play button to listen. Click for more demodulated EMF sounds.

Mesure-OMS-320-WiFiNow if you are used to measuring EMFs, in the high frequency range WiFi is usually one of the lowest radiating issues. Unless you are pretty close to one of those 24/7 radiating WiFi routers of course. Sure just the signal strength doesn’t always describe biological impact. The left shows a spectrum analyze of WiFi radiation, which was btw taken directly in front of the WHO headquarter!

It would be perhaps helpful if people could see the fog of radiation they are bathing in, each day, may be this could make them thinking? Just that you can’t see, smell or hear it doesn’t mean it couldn’t harm you.

Especially the WiFi radiation seems to be pretty irritating, due to its 10 Hz (meaning 10 times per second) sharp beacon signal. This is inside humans brain waves, which on the other hand makes you wonder why this (pulse) frequency was selected?

Article Source: http://itsasmallweb.wordpress.com/2011/03/02/northern-lights-wifi-lights/

New Swedish radiation protection agency council, a scandal!

The new Swedish radiation protection agency leading member will take their new positions at 1. March 2012.  Leif Moberg President For COUNCIL AND Lars PMüller is secretary.


Doktor Eric van Rongen, Gesundheitsrat der Niederlande, Nederländerna

– Member of ICNIRPS’s Main Commission

Professor Martin Röösli, Universität Basel, Schweiz

– FSM (Mobile phone industry) funded researcher http://www.mobile-research.ethz.ch/english/personen_e.htm
also see http://www.mobile-research.ethz.ch/english/sponsoring_e.htm

Doktor Emilie van Deventer, World Health Organization, Schweiz

FSM (Mobile phone industry) funded researcher http://www.mobile-research.ethz.ch/english/personen_e.htm
also see http://www.mobile-research.ethz.ch/english/sponsoring_e.htm)

MTHR UK http://www.mthr.org.uk/members/members.htm
MTHR: «Funding is being provided jointly by the (UK) government and the mobile phone industry through an established firewall arrangement to ensure the independence of research»

Professor Heikki Hämäläinen, Turku Universitet, Finnland
Doktor Bernard Veyret, Université de Bordeaux, Pessac, Frankrike

Member of ICNIRPS’s Main Commission

You’d think that it is at least compulsory to speak the countries language fluently, but we doubt this is the case with those non Swedish members!

So out of 5, at least 4 are heavily tight to the mobile phone industry, now you can expect they are more worried about protecting the radiation (industry) then peoples health!

Source: Sweden Radiation Protection Agency Homepage